Where do you want to work?


Working together to achieve our One Planet, One Health vision.


Explore our journey at Danone through the inspiring stories of our Danoners. Admire their engagement, their unstoppable energy and commitment.

These words reflect our vision that the health of people and the health of the planet are interconnected.


We have four promises that help every Danoner

carry out our vision in their own unique way.


We want to empower employees to make a difference. They drive our movement to make the world healthier and are steering us to a sustainable future.

Channel and Category Development Manager

"I make an impact by making sure that our products are on the shelves at all times for our customers."

People Centric

This is a collaborative and social workplace with a focus on wellbeing. We place importance on networks and relationships, not structure and process.

IWS Coach

"We have a great benefits package and with flexible working we have a good work-life balance"

Channel and Category Development Manager

"This is a global business, but everyone has a say in how it operates, and gets listened to."

Step Out

Entrepreneurship is valued and innovation celebrated. Danoners seize opportunities to step out of the everyday and engage with the community and industry.

Plant Manager Balclutha

"Danone sees the potential in its people, and they make opportunities happen for us."

Planning and Logistics Director

"I am able to step out of my role all the time. The company is always interested in new ways, processes and solutions."

IWS Coach

"We’re encouraged to build and maintain networks across the company, so that whenever someone needs help in our networks people are willing to get involved."


At Danone everyone is encouraged to learn and grow. You can develop your skills, travel the world and explore new areas of the business.

Senior Product Development Technologist

"I’m encouraged to consider where I want to be and build a plan to get there. It’s not a box-ticking exercise, it’s backed up with action."

Planning and Logistics Director

"I can’t compare myself to the person I was when I first joined Danone. The experiences I have day to day are adding to my growth. "


Never a dull day
