Usually when people talk about businesses they only speak in terms of profits. At Danone it’s different - we care deeply about our consumers, their health, and the planet. We carefully balance economic targets with social commitments, keeping the relevant products as affordable as possible so that everyone can benefit from their nutrition. It makes me proud to contribute to this balance and to the positive impact we make on health around the world.
I collaborate every day with people from different countries and backgrounds, it’s a nice mix. I love how all departments help each other, and a good work-life balance is encouraged and maintained.
One of the reasons I joined Danone was the chance to explore different parts of the company. I’ve been delighted to be allowed to do that, there’s lots of flexibility and many opportunities to try new things. Being involved in other projects gives you visibility and builds your skills and network.
I value the time I spend with my managers and the learning they share. I work with some amazing leaders, and they help me see things from different perspectives. My manager and I regularly discuss the career path I’ve created for myself and what needs to happen to help me get where I want to be.