When you work in procurement, you’re right at the heart of the company's goals and objectives. For example, Danone is focused on reducing carbon emissions, so we find and order eco-friendly solutions like electric company cars. It feels like the company’s green goals start with us, and I love being part of that.
Our team is a mix of nationalities, and that means that there is no one ‘fixed’ culture. You’re free to come as you are and you’re not expected to fit a certain standard. I remember on ‘Quatorze Juillet’, my colleagues celebrated my country's national holiday by decorating the canteen and serving French snacks. How caring is that? Every culture is included here and that feels very welcoming.
In my previous role, I became part of the Engagement Squad. Our mission was to create a feeling of belonging and cooperation among teams. I find this very typical of Danone - there’s always room to broaden your scope and interact with others. If I want to work in, let's say, another function or team tomorrow, I know I could easily connect with the right people. That’s how open and supportive the culture is here.
Having been promoted after just 18 months makes me very grateful and happy. The sky is the limit at Danone, and the targets are super clear. Do you want something? Then you’ll know what to do and how to go after it. It motivates me to do better and grow more every single day.