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Hi, I’m Zoe

I’m a Regulatory Affairs Manager

I’m part of a team that works to make sure we abide by our licence to operate and comply with laws and guidelines.

My journey so far
  • Joined Danone France 2018 - Intern
  • Moved to Danone UK & Ireland
  • Regulatory Executive
  • Regulatory Affairs Manager

Making a difference every day

Everything in our sector is quite regulated, and from a consumer point of view it’s important that we aren’t misleading anyone, so I provide important support. I know how I can help and how I can guide people in the project teams to get things done that are fully compliant with regulations and respectful of a consumer’s understanding. So my work has real impact, often on a daily basis.

"As Danoners, our voice gets heard."
"As Danoners, our voice gets heard."

A place where all opinions matter.

The ‘One Voice’ consultation allows everyone to give their opinions on how the business is being run. The company values our views, it listens and responds to our ideas and comments.

Helping communities and building relationships.

My role brings me into contact with all sorts of different departments, I get to be involved in many stages of a project, from concept to marketing photoshoot. I’m also involved in a lot of volunteering, we get time off to be involved in community or charity work, and I get to meet people from all parts of the business. We work with the Neighbourly organisation to facilitate lots of activities that help people, as well as building our working relationships.

There’s great support to better yourself.

A wealth of opportunities.

Danone gave me the opportunity to move from France to the UK, plus I’d not worked in a regulatory role before, and now I am taking on more and more complicated responsibilities. It’s not somewhere you will stagnate, there’s always opportunity to try something new in terms of role, responsibilities, and even location.

  • country image France
    Im a Regulatory Manager for the UK & Ireland
  • country image United Kingdom
    Im a Regulatory Manager for the UK & Ireland

Ready to start your Danone Story?

Zoe is looking for passionate people to join her at Danone!